by Abdullah Quilliam
“They who fear Allah, and strive to do right
and persevere with patience, upon these
shall no fear come, and they shall attain to
everlasting felicity.”
“Oh True Believer, let no fear of pain,
Nor friendly favour, nor menace, nor dread,
Divert thee from the path, that thou shouldst tread.
To reach Al Jannat, where thou woulds’t attain;
’tis not for thee professing Islam’s name,
To rest ignoble.
Though thy progress slow,
Enough if onward ever it doth show,
So that each daily step advance doth claim,
And helpeth thee to further progress still;
The way to Paradise all onward lies,
Keep Islam’s path, nor e’er disheartened be;
And ever yielding to great Allah’s will,
Then guidance light and peace will for thee rise,
He loveth those who persevere like thee,
And from all worldly fetters sets them free.”
Liverpool, 12th Ramadan 1324 (28th October 1906)