The Great Get Together 2017

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The Big Iftar (Opening of the Fast) & The Great Get Together

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

Open Invitation to The Big Iftar and The Great Get Together on Saturday 17th June at 8.00 pm in England’s First Mosque

It is our pleasure to invite you to the The Big Iftar (Opening of the Fast) held in the Holy Month of Ramadan which is the Islamic month of spiritual rejuvenation, abstinence and charity. This is also an opportunity to remember Jo Coxes maiden speech in the parliament where she said “we are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us”.

Throughout Ramadan, we have been providing Iftar every night for approximately 70 people – men and women – many of whom are underprivileged and live locally. Often the food is prepared and served by members of the congregation so it is a strong example of community spirt and compassion within the area.

We warmly request you to be our guest for this occasion on Saturday 17st June 2017, 8.00pm start at Abdullah Quilliam Mosque & Heritage Centre (England’s First Mosque at Brougham Terrace). On this evening, mosques across the country are welcoming people of all faiths and none to partake in the special moment when Muslims open their fast.

The evening will include a short talk on Islam & Abdullah Quilliam at this historic centre and observe a minutes silence remembering Jo Cox. There will also be an opportunity to tour the premises and witness the development of the centre since it was the former Birth, Marriages & Deaths Registry.

The Big Iftar will be served at 9.47 pm when you will join fellow Muslims breaking their fast and sample an array of world foods.

The Abdullah Quilliam Mosque & Heritage Centre plans on restoring the building further and opening a museum-style exhibition and visitor centre. We also intend on running other projects and community services which cater for our local neighbours’ needs and we will be holding an open day soon to discuss the possibilities.

If you would like to attend, kindly email us on to notify us and how many people will be coming and whether you have any special requirements relating to diet or access. You are welcome to bring your friends and families.

We look forward to meeting you.

Yours Sincerely,


Galib Khan
(Founder and Chairman)

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